Selasa, 23 September 2008

Let it not your wonder move,
Less your laughter, that I love.
Though I now write fifty years,
I have had, and have, my peers.
Poets, though divine, are men;
Some have loved as old again.
And it is not always face,
Clothes, or fortune gives the grace,
Or the feature, or the youth;
But the language and the truth,
With the ardor and the passion,
Gives the lover weight and fashion.
If you then would hear the story,
First, prepare you to be sorry
That you never knew till now
Either whom to love or how;
But be glad as soon with me
When you hear that this is she
Of whose beauty it was sung,
She shall make the old man young,
Keep the middle age at stay,
And let nothing hide decay,
Till she be the reason why
All the world for love may die.
posted by jordan @ 16.25   0 comments
makes somes differencess
terimakasih sudah mau mengunjungi blog aku....
saya orangnya sangat simple tapi selalu ingin berusaha menjadi yang terbaik dalam apapun dengan didasari usaha keras dan bukan hanya saya saja, tentunya anda juga pasti ingin menjadi yang terbaik ..??
setiap orang yang ingin sukses harus mempunyai visi dan misi begitupun saya tapi tidak segampang membalikkan telapak tangan harus melalui kerja jeras dan proses yang panjang...
intinya do the best and be the best..!!!

posted by jordan @ 14.22   0 comments
About Me

Name: jordan
Home: kuta, bali, Indonesia
About Me: aloWw..... i'ts me i'm a simple boy^^ but alweZ waNT be bEeter 2 another things all thing hv a possible dreams a perfect word 2 me smile when sadness intrudes hugs when spirits sag faith so that u can believe courage to know urself love 2 complete ur life
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